123 Candy die set
Die for cutting with big shot or evolution. Size 4x6''.
TOMA NOTA: Nuestros troqueles son para uso doméstico. Cortan cartulina de 190 gr, y les cuesta cortar cartón grueso como el papel de acuarela o mixed media. Además, como los troqueles son en realidad cuchillas, si los usas repetidamente irás desgastándolos y cortarán peor (puedes intentar afilarlos un poco troquelando repetidamente papel de aluminio).
En papeles gorditos donde el troquel no corta bien, mete debajo una o dos cartulinas por encima del metacrilato o por debajo del imantado para ayudar a ejercer más presión, y pásalos más de una vez por la troqueladora manual.
This is Alúa Cid, founder of RitaRita.
I've always been a super creative person and I've worked a lot with my hands, but I only discovered the world of illustration a few years ago and it has little to do with my studies and my training.
I started a degree in Industrial Design Engineering, but... I soon realised that the industrial side was not for me.
I love getting my hands dirty with paints, and I love the handmade component of my work. That personal touch that illuminates small and pampered productions that contain my soul in every stroke.
I also love to invent. Every month I launch new stationery and scrapbooking products that make writing, planning or crafting tasks easier.
If you like to pamper your customers as much as I do, we'll get along very well.
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